strive for istiqomah

strive for istiqomah

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

"Anak-anak Didik"

it is my decision to resign as a kindergarten teacher.
deep inside my heart rasa sayang sangat nak tinggalkan tadika.
there is only one reason.

my students.
ya Allah, sayang sangat2 kat diorang. 
tiga bulan bersama dari pagi sampai ke petang.

arif bakhtiar
ahmad ariff
uwais fakhry
nik uzair
al-hakam darwisy
auni humaira
azwa syafina
hani fatnin
dhia dalia

ada nakalnya tersendiri. ada manjanya tersendiri. ada manisnya tersendiri.

"abg msk la amik wuduk, teacher tunggu kat sini"
"tanak! nati teacher tinggal abang."
dialog petang tadi. it makes me tersentap. 
yes, u're right dear. i will leave you soon to find another job. a better one insyaAllah.

its not that teaching them is a worst job, but i have another plan for me, for my family. 

in fact, i do feel that i'm not qualified to be a teacher. 

its a matter of time i guess. 

they will forget me later. 

but i will always remember them. my precious "kids"

i pray to Allah, one day, all of you will be soleh n solehah. 


Saturday, 8 November 2014

I am a "tadika" teacher


it has been 3 months i guess. 
i had no problem mengajar budak-budak umur 4 tahun.
i enjoy it.

a teacher is not only a teacher. 
a teacher, menyapu 
a teacher, basuh pinggan mangkuk
a teacher,cuci toilet
a teacher, mandikan budak-budak
a teacher, mop lantai
a teacher, lap meja
a teacher, buat macam-macam.
no rest.

terasa seperti org ambil kesempatan
the owner purposely choose a degree holder so the tadika level will be upgrade
the salary??? SPM pun lg tinggi gajinya.
maybe the owner wants to memaximum kan keuntungan 
so dia meminimizekan cost utk pekerja.


I made my decision. this month would be the last month.
titik noktah.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Unofficially Graduated.

after all the hardship that i've been through in 4 years, finally i finished my study at IIUM.
fuuuuuuh! the feeling is sooooo "lega"

new challenges comes
of course the most obvious one is the challenge in seeking job. 
 (> . <)

well, im not the only one that face this. most of my friends are jobless right now.

right now im working as a kindergarten teacher at Tadika Kalam Khalifah.

hurmmm its very tiring. low salary.

but at least i can support myself without asking money from my parents.

thats a bless from Allah. 

hopefully i can find my desire job as soon as possible. 
not just for me but also for the sake of my parents.

rabbi yassir wala tu'assir.